Part 87: Update LXXXIV - Featuring: Not time travel
Update LXXXIV - Featuring: Not time travel
So, what's the end result of hijacking the creation of a new universe?

Music: The Daily Grind

The same as the old universe, of course!

I'd like to make it clear that this isn't more time travel. We made a new world that's just 99% identical to the old one.

...We didn't.

Oh god we did.
Somehow we turned Nagamimi from an alien rabbit plushie into a tiny anime girl.
I think the only time the game used a gendered term for Nagamimi before this, period, was when she sarcastically called herself Nagamommy at the very end of Intermission 2.



literally 10 seconds ago posted:
Then why is it still called Nodens.

And I guess the reason Nagamimi is now a tiny anime girl is because there's no logical way for her to be on Earth as she was with no dragons around? No dragons, no way her home planet gets razed, no ND to take her in and bring her here, so she had to have her history revised to be an Earthling instead.
Sure hope Nagamimi didn't have anyone she missed back home!



Time for the time honored 7th Dragon tradition:

Running around and talking to everyone one last time before the credits.

Of course, even this is incredibly slimmed down compared to the others. No dragons means no time machine or refugees means the only people here are a handful of civilians and the Nodens employees.

Bartender: New encounters may either create new possibilities, or destroy them...
Skilled Man: 7th Encount... Maybe now I can reach the top of the leaderboards.
And since we, you know, utterly erased all the events of the game, we don't get any congratulations for saving the world.

The cats are still here though.

What even is 7th Encount about, now that dragons don't exist?

Hell, this whole ending just raises more questions than it answers the moment you dig into it.

Jealous Man: I wish I had a girlfriend...
What's the state of the world in the new universe? If things are identical to how it was before, what happened to human population to keep it so low?

Is life now heading to a dead end, now that there are no dragons to seed barren planets with new life?

What kind of butterfly effect made the otaku never get into anime?

Where are the other party members? Did they just get beamed off to whatever nebulous place they inhabited before we recruited them?
Hell, is Opal still the 7th True Dragon?

Despite Nodens being a totally normal game company here, Akutsu came in for a visit.

This is literally the first time we see him in person.


Things we were able to do when remaking reality: Turning Nagamimi into a tiny anime girl.
Things we were not able to do: Bring back Yuma.
one chapter ago posted:
Sucks to suck, Yuma!

At least it looks like Yoritomo never abandoned Mio in this timeline.

Oh so something did happen in 2020 here.

Receptionist: Welcome to Nodens Games!

Job Seeker: No! I can't be such a coward... Nodens games gave me courage! I should be fine!

Attendant Kureha: Although... you seem to be pretty knowledgeable already.

We're not allowed in the Portal room.

And the only people in the storage room were refugees.

So the entire floor is empty.

Developer Kirk: I wonder what kind of reaction they'll have! I can't wait to find out!

I'd like to point out that we aren't Nodens employees in this universe and Julietta is in charge.
They just let random strangers waltz in to the President's office.



Both give the same result.

Oh, so this is one of those 'in case of emergency, invoke Power of Friendship' kinds of amnesia.

I'd like
to point out
that Nodens is a normal game company now.
And Julietta treats making a time machine like he can do it in an afternoon and happily blabs to someone he doesn't know.

As you do.

The implication here is that Julietta will use his time machine, connect to Atlantis and Eden, (Somehow. There's no True Dragon for the time machine to lock onto anymore so how will he pick those years over all the others?) and then we'll be able to reunite with all our friends.
Of course, given how something happened 80 years ago in place of the Dragon Invasion, it stands to reason that more somethings end up destroying Atlantis and the world before Eden so they can still line up with the old universe's history.

Do you think those deaths would be on Opal's hands now, as the one who made the world this way?

System Message: You don't recognize any of the voices within...

I bet the dorms are to entice employees to work ungodly amounts of overtime without having to leave the office to sleep in this universe.

In our room, there's a shiny object sitting just past the couch.

System Message: Yuma, Allie, everyone from Atlantis and Eden... They are all clearly visible.

We aren't allowed to mess with the party, naturally.

There's no one on the Rest Floor.

Despite Nodens being filled with cats, Nyadens is nowhere to be found.

Nurse Maimai: Hm? Oh, I'm talking about vitamin shots! Vitamin D is great for office workers!

Doctor Hori: It's thanks to Professor Nagumo that we can hold our own even against large hospitals.

He's here too!?





Overworked Planner: N-No...! They're here... *mumble*
Nurse Marimari: Please get a hold of yourself! Nobody is coming to get you! The one-two punch of energy drinks and sleep deprivation must've put him over the edge...

Have you noticed that the Restricted Section itself is never used at any point in the game?

Also Kirino's hideout is still here.

And just one more floor to go.

Researcher Marie: The mission should be saving lots of cats so you can open a cat cafe. What a wasted opportunity...
In the old universe those things in the tubes were dragon specimens.
What the fuck are they here? Decor?

Researcher Joe: This is the fate of an office worker... Even after I got his favorite hero's autograph...

Ami: It took three months to make, but I'm thrilled with the result! It just looks so... delicious!

Marco: Maybe it descended from space...? I can't wait to analyze it.

And we're done!

Talking to Nagamimi lets you move on to the credits.

First option sends you back, naturally.

Music: Stops

Video: The End

Music: ChRøNiClESeVeN

And that's the game!

In hindsight, maybe they should have cut back on the number of voice actors.

Battle team, you fucked up. You fucked up big.

Monolith Soft worked on VFD????

I can't even find Pixel Pocket Co., but they were probably subcontractors hired to help make the levels.

Considering how little NPC dialogue changed across the game, I bet that was a revolving door of people. 2020-II had just 4, for comparison.

Honestly, there are a lot of separate companies being credited here, more than I usually see in a game. I wonder if they were having to bring in a bunch of contractors by the end just to get across the finish line.

Next time: The payoff to all those Yu-Gi-Oh jokes.